Package org.apache.calcite.adapter.os

package org.apache.calcite.adapter.os
The OS adapter contains various table functions that let you query data sources in your operating system and environment.
  • Classes
    Table function that executes the OS "du" ("disk usage") command to compute file sizes.
    Table function that executes the OS "find" command to find files under a particular path.
    Table function that executes the OS "git log" command to discover git commits.
    Table function that executes the OS "jps" ("Java Virtual Machine Process Status Tool") command to list all java processes of a user.
    Utilities regarding operating system processes.
    Table function that executes the OS "ps" command to list processes.
    Command that executes its arguments as a SQL query against Calcite's OS adapter.
    Table function that reads stdin and returns one row per line.
    Table function that executes the OS "vmstat" command to share memory statistics.