Class Ast


public class Ast extends Object
Abstract syntax tree.

Contains inner classes for various kinds of parse tree node.

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
    Abstract base class for statements that assign to a named relation.
    static class 
    Abstract base class for an assignment with one source relation.
    static class 
    Parse tree for a bag type.
    static class 
    Parse tree node for a call to a function or operator.
    static class 
    Parse tree node for DESCRIBE statement.
    static enum 
    Sort direction.
    static class 
    Parse tree node for DISTINCT statement.
    static class 
    Parse tree node for DUMP statement.
    static class 
    Parse tree for field schema.
    static class 
    Parse tree node for FILTER statement.
    static class 
    Parse tree node for FOREACH statement (nested).
    static class 
    Parse tree node for FOREACH statement (non-nested).
    static class 
    Parse tree node for GROUP statement.
    static class 
    Parse tree node for Identifier.
    static class 
    Parse tree node for LIMIT statement.
    static class 
    Parse tree node for Literal.
    static class 
    Parse tree node for LOAD statement.
    static class 
    Parse tree for a map type.
    static class 
    Abstract base class for parse tree node.
    static class 
    Parse tree node for NumericLiteral.
    static enum 
    Parse tree node type.
    static class 
    Parse tree node for ORDER statement.
    static class 
    Parse tree node for a program.
    static class 
    Parse tree for scalar type such as int.
    static class 
    Parse tree for schema.
    static class 
    Parse tree node for "*", a special kind of identifier.
    static class 
    Abstract base class for parse tree node representing a statement.
    static class 
    Parse tree for a tuple type.
    static class 
    Parse tree for type.
    static class 
    Parse tree node for VALUES statement.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static String
    static org.apache.calcite.piglet.Ast.UnParser
    unParse(org.apache.calcite.piglet.Ast.UnParser u, Ast.Node n)
    Formats a node and its children as a string.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public static String toString(Ast.Node x)
    • unParse

      public static org.apache.calcite.piglet.Ast.UnParser unParse(org.apache.calcite.piglet.Ast.UnParser u, Ast.Node n)
      Formats a node and its children as a string.