Class SqlTypeTransforms


public abstract class SqlTypeTransforms extends Object
SqlTypeTransforms defines a number of reusable instances of SqlTypeTransform.

NOTE: avoid anonymous inner classes here except for unique, non-generalizable strategies; anything else belongs in a reusable top-level class. If you find yourself copying and pasting an existing strategy's anonymous inner class, you're making a mistake.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy where a derived type is transformed into the same type, but nullable if and only if the type of a call's operand #0 (0-based) is nullable.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy where a derived type is transformed into the same type but nullable if any of element of a calls operands is nullable.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy where a derived type is transformed into the same type with nulls allowed.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform that transforms MEASURE<T> to T for some type T.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform that transforms MEASURE<T> to T for some type T, and does nothing to other types.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy that converts a type to a MAP type, which key and value type is same.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Type-inference strategy whereby the result is NOT NULL if any of the arguments is NOT NULL; otherwise the type is unchanged.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy where a derived type must be a struct type with precisely one field and the returned type is the type of that field.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy that wraps a given type in an array.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy that wraps a given type in an array, but nullable if any of element of a calls operands is nullable.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy that wraps a given type in an array or wraps a field of the given type in an array if the given type is struct with one field.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy where a derived type must be a multiset or array type and the returned type is element type.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy that converts a two-field record type to a MAP type.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy that converts a MAP type to a ARRAY type.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy that converts a two-field record type to a MAP query type.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy that converts a MAP type to a ARRAY type.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform that transforms T to MEASURE<T> for some type T.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy that wraps a given type in a multiset.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy that wraps a given type in a multiset or wraps a field of the given type in a multiset if the given type is struct with one field.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy where a derived type is transformed into the same type but not nullable.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy where a derived type is transformed into the same type but nullable if any of a calls operands is nullable.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy where a derived type is transformed into the same type, but nullable if and only if all of a call's operands are nullable.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Parameter type-inference transform strategy that converts a MAP type to a two-field record type.
    static final SqlTypeTransform
    Type-inference strategy whereby the result type of a call is VARYING the type given.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SqlTypeTransforms

      public SqlTypeTransforms()