Interface | Description |
AvaticaConnection.CallableWithoutException<T> |
A Callable-like interface but without a "throws Exception".
AvaticaFactory |
Factory for JDBC objects.
AvaticaSpecificDatabaseMetaData |
Avatica additions to the JDBC
DatabaseMetaData interface. |
ConnectionConfig |
Connection configuration.
ConnectionConfigImpl.Converter<T> |
Callback to parse a property from string to its native type.
ConnectionProperty |
Definition of a property that may be specified on the JDBC connect string.
Handler |
Called at various points in the JDBC lifecycle.
Handler.ResultSink |
Handler for temporary tables.
Meta |
Command handler for getting various metadata.
Meta.ConnectionProperties |
A pojo containing various client-settable
Connection properties. |
Meta.Factory |
Factory to create instances of
Meta . |
Meta.PrepareCallback |
API to put a result set into a statement, being careful to enforce
thread-safety and not to overwrite existing open result sets.
MetaImpl.Named |
An object that has a name.
Class | Description |
AvaticaConnection |
Implementation of JDBC connection
for the Avatica framework.
AvaticaConnection.Trojan |
A way to call package-protected methods.
AvaticaDatabaseMetaData |
Implementation of
for the Avatica engine. |
AvaticaParameter |
Metadata for a parameter.
AvaticaPreparedStatement |
Implementation of
for the Avatica engine. |
AvaticaResultSet |
Implementation of
for the Avatica engine. |
AvaticaResultSetMetaData |
Implementation of
for the Avatica framework. |
AvaticaSite |
A location that a value can be written to or read from.
AvaticaStatement |
Implementation of
for the Avatica engine. |
AvaticaUtils |
Avatica utilities.
ColumnMetaData |
Metadata for a column.
ColumnMetaData.ArrayType |
Array type.
ColumnMetaData.AvaticaType |
Base class for a column type.
ColumnMetaData.ScalarType |
Scalar type.
ColumnMetaData.StructType |
Record type.
ConnectionConfigImpl |
Implementation of
ConnectionConfig . |
ConnectionConfigImpl.PropEnv |
The combination of a property definition and a map of property values.
ConnectionPropertiesImpl |
Concrete implementation of
Meta.ConnectionProperties . |
ConnectStringParser |
ConnectStringParser is a utility class that parses or creates a JDBC connect
string according to the
OLE DB Connection String Syntax.
DriverVersion |
Driver version information.
HandlerImpl |
Implementation of
Handler that does nothing for each callback. |
Helper |
Utility methods, mainly concerning error-handling.
Meta.ConnectionHandle |
Connection handle.
Meta.CursorFactory | |
Meta.ExecuteBatchResult |
Response from a collection of SQL commands or parameter values in a single batch.
Meta.ExecuteResult |
Response from execute.
Meta.Frame |
A collection of rows.
Meta.MetaResultSet |
Meta data from which a result set can be constructed.
Meta.Pat |
Wrapper to remind API calls that a parameter is a pattern (allows '%' and
'_' wildcards, per the JDBC spec) rather than a string to be matched
Meta.Signature |
Result of preparing a statement.
Meta.StatementHandle |
Statement handle.
MetaImpl |
Basic implementation of
Meta . |
MetaImpl.MetaAttribute |
Metadata describing an attribute.
MetaImpl.MetaBestRowIdentifier |
Metadata describing the best identifier for a row.
MetaImpl.MetaCatalog |
Metadata describing a catalog.
MetaImpl.MetaClientInfoProperty |
Metadata describing a client info property.
MetaImpl.MetaColumn |
Metadata describing a column.
MetaImpl.MetaColumnPrivilege |
Metadata describing a column privilege.
MetaImpl.MetaCrossReference |
Metadata describing a cross reference.
MetaImpl.MetaExportedKey |
Metadata describing an exported key.
MetaImpl.MetaFunction |
Metadata describing a function.
MetaImpl.MetaFunctionColumn |
Metadata describing a function column.
MetaImpl.MetaImportedKey |
Metadata describing an imported key.
MetaImpl.MetaIndexInfo |
Metadata describing index info.
MetaImpl.MetaPrimaryKey |
Metadata describing a primary key.
MetaImpl.MetaProcedure |
Metadata describing a procedure.
MetaImpl.MetaProcedureColumn |
Metadata describing a procedure column.
MetaImpl.MetaPseudoColumn |
Metadata describing a pseudo column.
MetaImpl.MetaSchema |
Metadata describing a schema.
MetaImpl.MetaSuperTable |
Metadata describing a super-table.
MetaImpl.MetaSuperType |
Metadata describing a super-type.
MetaImpl.MetaTable |
Metadata describing a table.
MetaImpl.MetaTablePrivilege |
Metadata describing a table privilege.
MetaImpl.MetaTableType |
Metadata describing a table type.
MetaImpl.MetaTypeInfo |
Metadata describing type info.
MetaImpl.MetaUdt |
Metadata describing a user-defined type.
MetaImpl.MetaVersionColumn |
Metadata describing a version column.
QueryState |
A struct used to encapsulate the necessary information to reconstitute a ResultSet in the
Avatica server.
UnregisteredDriver |
Implementation of JDBC driver that does not register itself.
Enum | Description |
AvaticaSeverity |
An enumeration that denotes the severity of a given unexpected state.
BuiltInConnectionProperty |
Enumeration of Avatica's built-in connection properties.
ColumnMetaData.Rep |
Description of the type used to internally represent a value.
ConnectionProperty.Type |
Data type of property.
InternalProperty |
Definitions of properties that drive the behavior of
AvaticaDatabaseMetaData . |
Meta.DatabaseProperty |
Database property.
Meta.StatementType |
Type of statement.
Meta.Style |
How logical fields are represented in the objects returned by the
QueryState.StateType |
An enumeration that represents how a ResultSet was created.
SqlState |
SQL error codes.
SqlType |
Extends the information in
Types . |
SqlType.Method |
Getter methods in
ResultSet . |
UnregisteredDriver.JdbcVersion |
JDBC version.
Exception | Description |
AvaticaClientRuntimeException |
The client-side representation of
AvaticaRuntimeException . |
AvaticaSqlException |
A client-facing
SQLException which encapsulates errors from the remote Avatica server. |
MissingResultsException |
An Exception which denotes that a cached Statement is present but has no
ResultSet . |
NoSuchConnectionException |
An Exception that denotes that the given Connection is not cached.
NoSuchStatementException |
An Exception that denotes that the given Statement is not cached.
Annotation Type | Description |
MetaImpl.ColumnNoNulls |
Annotation that indicates that a meta field may not contain null
MetaImpl.ColumnNullable |
Annotation that indicates that a meta field may contain null values.
MetaImpl.ColumnNullableUnknown |
Annotation that indicates that it is unknown whether a meta field may contain
null values.
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