
Upcoming talks

None scheduled.

Project Members

Name (Apache ID) Github Org Role
Alessandro Solimando (asolimando) Cloudera Committer
Aman Sinha (amansinha) MapR PMC
Andrei Sereda (sereda)   PMC
Ashutosh Chauhan (hashutosh) Hortonworks PMC
Benchao Li (libenchao) he/him ByteDance PMC
Bertil Chapuis (bchapuis) HEIG-VD Committer
Cancai Cai (cancai) he/him   Committer
Chris Baynes (cbaynes) Contiamo Committer
Christian Beikov (cbeikov) Blazebit Committer
Chunwei Lei (chunwei) Alibaba PMC
Dan Zou (zoudan) he/him ByteDance Committer
Danny Chan (danny0405) Alibaba PMC
Dmitry Sysolyatin (dmsysolyatin) Intertrust Technologies Committer
Edmon Begoli (ebegoli) Oak Ridge National Laboratory Committer
Feng Zhu (fengzhu) he/him eBay Committer
Forward Xu (forwardxu) Tencent Committer
Francis Chuang (francischuang) Boostport PMC
Gian Merlino (gian) Imply Committer
Haisheng Yuan (hyuan) Alibaba PMC
Hongyu Guo (guohongyu) he/him Tencent Committer
Hongze Zhang (hongze) Tencent Committer
Istvan Toth (stoty) Cloudera Committer
Jacques Nadeau (jacques) Dremio PMC
James R. Taylor (jamestaylor) Salesforce PMC
Jess Balint (jbalint) Stardog Committer
Jesús Camacho Rodríguez (jcamacho) Hortonworks PMC
Jiajun Xie (jiajunxie) ByteDance Committer
Jin Xing (jinxing) Ant Financial Committer
Jinfeng Ni (jni) MapR PMC
Jing Zhang (jingzhang) Kuaishou Committer
John Pullokkaran (jpullokk) Hortonworks PMC
Josh Elser (elserj) Hortonworks PMC
Julian Feinauer (jfeinauer) Pragmatic Minds Committer
Julian Hyde (jhyde) he/him Google PMC
Kevin Liew (kliew)   Committer
Kevin Risden (krisden)   PMC
Laurent Goujon (laurent) Dremio PMC
Lei Shen (lakeshen) he/him   Committer
Liya Fan (liyafan) Alibaba Committer
Maryann Xue (maryannxue) Intel PMC
Michael Mior (mmior) he/him Rochester Institute of Technology PMC
Mihai Budiu (mbudiu) PMC
Milinda Pathirage (milinda) Indiana University Committer
MinJi Kim (minji) Oracle Committer
Muhammad Gelbana (mgelbana) Incorta Committer
Nick Dimiduk (ndimiduk)   PMC
Nishant Bangarwa (nishant) Hortonworks Committer
Oliver Lee (oliver) Google Committer
Ran Tao (taoran) he/him ByteDance Committer
Ruben Quesada Lopez (rubenql) Voltron Data PMC Chair
Rui Wang (amaliujia) Google Committer
Runkang He (herunkang) he/him ByteDance Committer
Sergey Nuyanzin (snuyanzin) EPAM Committer
Shuyi Chen (shuyichen) Uber Committer
Slim Bouguerra (bslim) Hortonworks Committer
Stamatis Zampetakis (zabetak) he/him Cloudera PMC
Steven Noels (stevenn) NGData PMC
Tanner Clary (tanner) he/him Google Committer
Ted Dunning (tdunning) MapR PMC
TJ Banghart (tjbanghart) he/him Google Committer
Vineet Garg (vgarg) Cloudera Committer
Vladimir Ozerov (vozerov) Querify Labs PMC
Vladimir Sitnikov (vladimirsitnikov) NetCracker PMC
Volodymyr Vysotskyi (volodymyr)   PMC
Wang Yanlin (yanlin) Ant Financial Committer
Xiong Duan (xiong) he/him Hikvision Committer
Yong Liu (jackylau) he/him Ant Financial Committer
Zhaohui Xu (zhaohui) Ant Financial Committer
Zhe Hu (zhehu) he/him Hikvision Committer
Zhen Wang (zhenw)   Committer
Zhiqiang He (zhiqianghe) Huawei Committer
Zhiwei Peng (zhiwei) Ant Financial Group Committer
Zoltan Haindrich (kgyrtkirk) Hortonworks Committer

Emeritus members

Name (Apache ID) Github Org Role
Alan Gates (gates) Hortonworks PMC

Mailing Lists

There are several mailing lists for Calcite:

You can subscribe to the lists by sending email to {list} and unsubscribe by sending email to {list} (where {list} is either “dev”, “issues”, or “commits”).


Need help with Calcite? Try these resources:

  • Mailing Lists. The best option is to send email to the developers list All of the historic traffic is available in the archive. To subscribe to the user list, please send email to
  • Bug Reports. Please file any issues you encounter or fixes you’d like on the Calcite Jira. We welcome patches and pull-requests!
  • StackOverflow. StackOverflow is a wonderful resource for any developer. Take a look over there to see if someone has answered your question.
  • Browse the code. One of the advantages of open source software is that you can browse the code. The code is available on GitHub.


Want to learn more about Calcite?

Watch some presentations and read through some slide decks about Calcite, or attend one of the upcoming talks.

Adding measures to Calcite SQL

At Calcite Virtual Meetup, March 2023; [slides], [video].

Building a streaming incremental view maintenance engine with Calcite

At Calcite Virtual Meetup, March 2023; [slides], [video].

Debugging planning issues using Calcite’s built in loggers

At Calcite Virtual Meetup, March 2023; [summary], [slides], [pdf], [video].

calcite-clj - Use Calcite with Clojure

At Calcite Virtual Meetup, January 2022; [slides], [video], [code].

Morel, a functional query language (Julian Hyde)

At Strange Loop 2021, St. Louis, Missouri, September 30, 2021; [slides].

Building modern SQL query optimizers with Apache Calcite

At ApacheCon 2021, September 22, 2021.

Apache Calcite Tutorial

At BOSS 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 16, 2021; [summary], [slides], [pdf], [video].

An introduction to query processing & Apache Calcite

At Calcite Virtual Meetup, January 20, 2021; [summary], [slides], [video].

Calcite streaming for event-time semantics

At Calcite Virtual Meetup, January 20, 2021; [video].

Efficient spatial queries on vanilla databases

At Calcite Virtual Meetup, January 20, 2021; [video].

Apache Calcite integration in Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid

At Calcite Virtual Meetup, January 20, 2021; [video].

Fast federated SQL with Apache Calcite

At ApacheCon Europe 2019, Berlin, Germany, October 24, 2019; [summary], [video].

One SQL to Rule Them All - an Efficient and Syntactically Idiomatic Approach to Management of Streams and Tables

At SIGMOD/PODS 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2019 and Beam Summit Europe 2019; [paper], [review], [pdf], [video].

Apache Calcite: A Foundational Framework for Optimized Query Processing Over Heterogeneous Data Sources

At SIGMOD/PODS 2018, Houston, TX, 2018; [paper], [slides], [pdf].

Spatial query on vanilla databases

At ApacheCon North America, 2018; [slides], [pdf.

Apache Calcite: One planner fits all

Voted Best Lightning Talk at XLDB-2015; [video], [slides].

Streaming SQL

At Hadoop Summit, San Jose, CA, 2016 [video], [slides], [pdf].

Cost-based Query Optimization in Apache Phoenix using Apache Calcite

At Hadoop Summit, San Jose, CA, 2016 [video], [slides], [pdf].

Planning with Polyalgebra: Bringing together relational, complex and machine learning algebra

As Hadoop Summit, Dublin, 2016 [video], [slides].

More talks

External resources

A collection of articles, blogs, presentations, and interesting projects related to Apache Calcite.

If you have something interesting to share with the community drop us an email on the dev list or consider creating a pull request on GitHub. If you just finished a cool project using Calcite consider writing a short article about it for our news section.