Package org.apache.calcite.linq4j
Interface Lookup<K,V>
- Type Parameters:
- Key typeV
- Value type
- All Superinterfaces:
,V>> ExtendedEnumerable<Grouping<K,
,V>> Iterable<Grouping<K,
,V>> Map<K,
,Enumerable<V>> RawEnumerable<Grouping<K,
Represents a collection of keys each mapped to one or more values.
Nested Class Summary
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescription<TResult> Enumerable<TResult>
(Function2<K, Enumerable<V>, TResult> resultSelector) Applies a transform function to each key and its associated values and returns the results.Methods inherited from interface org.apache.calcite.linq4j.Enumerable
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.calcite.linq4j.ExtendedEnumerable
aggregate, aggregate, aggregate, all, any, any, asEnumerable, asofJoin, average, average, average, average, average, average, average, average, average, average, cast, concat, contains, contains, correlateJoin, count, count, defaultIfEmpty, defaultIfEmpty, distinct, distinct, elementAt, elementAtOrDefault, except, except, except, except, first, first, firstOrDefault, firstOrDefault, foreach, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupJoin, groupJoin, hashJoin, hashJoin, hashJoin, hashJoin, intersect, intersect, intersect, intersect, into, last, last, lastOrDefault, lastOrDefault, longCount, longCount, max, max, max, max, max, max, max, max, max, max, max, max, min, min, min, min, min, min, min, min, min, min, min, min, ofType, orderBy, orderBy, orderByDescending, orderByDescending, removeAll, reverse, select, select, selectMany, selectMany, selectMany, selectMany, sequenceEqual, sequenceEqual, single, single, singleOrDefault, singleOrDefault, skip, skipWhile, skipWhile, sortedGroupBy, sum, sum, sum, sum, sum, sum, sum, sum, sum, sum, take, takeWhile, takeWhile, toList, toLookup, toLookup, toLookup, toLookup, toMap, toMap, toMap, toMap, union, union, where, where, zip
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable
forEach, iterator, spliterator
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Map
clear, compute, computeIfAbsent, computeIfPresent, containsKey, containsValue, entrySet, equals, forEach, get, getOrDefault, hashCode, isEmpty, keySet, merge, put, putAll, putIfAbsent, remove, remove, replace, replace, replaceAll, size, values
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.calcite.linq4j.RawEnumerable
Method Details
<TResult> Enumerable<TResult> applyResultSelector(Function2<K, Enumerable<V>, TResult> resultSelector) Applies a transform function to each key and its associated values and returns the results.- Type Parameters:
- Result type- Parameters:
- Result selector- Returns:
- Enumerable over results